The Wisdom of Vedanta

Are you feeling pressured with life and the hamster wheel of capitalist acquisition?

Would you like to find another way to be comfortable with who you are and how you are, even if it isn’t what is desired by other people around you? 

Are you interested in a world beyond your striving self?

What if you accepted that your mental, physical, emotional and respiratory health is naturally and unavoidably prone to fluctuations and permutations: that you, and all of us, exist on a fluid spectrum of human beingness that we slide and dance along?

Are you curious on an existential level as well as for individual well-being?\ \ This will be an amazing exploration of our dual and non-dual self (as a unique human and divine/transcendental being) using ancient knowledge and innate or universal wisdom that offers fundamental guidance for life, health and expression.

Vedanta means the culmination of knowledge and answers essential questions of humanness through study and inquiry. It’s based on the ancient Indian philosophy of the Upanishads and teaches a unique relationship within yourself and with the world around you. A working knowledge of the beautiful spiritual language of Sanskrit (no prior learning required) brings extra wealth and revelation to study that can be lost in translations.

It assumes a basic knowledge and understanding of yoga philosophy (and if you don’t have this then no worries - access YouTube!) and there will be self-study, session preparation + the opportunity for check-ins or individual support throughout. 

You can study for your own evolution, or as yoga continuing professional development for which a 50 hour certification is available. If you are a qualified yoga teacher, it will enhance your ability to teach not primarily asana but also deep yoga wisdom that is just as relevant for health and well-being today. 

Work at your own pace with full support and guidance as necessary.

You will automatically become an inaugural member of the Northern Vedanta Society UK that I am in the process of establishing. If you would like to be actively involved with this, please be in touch.

Fee: £1275 which can be shared by up to 4 people and includes: registration, co-ordination and 50 hour certification (optional), study guide handouts. We can meet in person, in Kendal, Lake District, or over Zoom with hours to suit you where possible.

Travel, accommodation and additional study materials are not included if these are required.

Apply by emailing for a booking form to, or if you would like to discuss the course further, please also email and we can arrange to chat.


I work in partnership with local teachers around the world to bring you the best of Yoga ancient wisdom and contemporary scientific discovery, mixing serious study with light-hearted laughter. With 25 years of eclectic Yoga wisdom with me, I also have formal diplomas in: General Hatha Yoga Dru Yoga Transformational Yoga (Hatha Yoga Master) Nada Yoga (singing bowl vibrational healing) Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Meditation Teaching Thai Yoga Massage plus experience and training in Sivananda Yoga and Iyengar Yoga